Cities with Inpatient Addiction Treatment Centers in New Mexico:
Resource in New Mexico
- NM Crisis and Access Line (NM CAL): 1-855-662-7474
- Peer-to-Peer Warmline: 1-855-466-7100
- Agora Crisis Center in Albuquerque: 277-3013
- Agora Crisis Center Statewide: 1-866-435-7166
- Agora Crisis Center Peer to Peer Warm Line: 1-855-466-7100
- Crisis Response of Santa Fe: 1-888-920-6333
- New Mexico WAVE Crisis Line: Southern NM 575-646-2255
- New Mexico WAVE Crisis Line: Statewide 1-866-314-6841
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Veterans Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 press “1”
- National Hope line Networking/Kristin Brooks Hope Center: 1-800-784-2433
- Native Youth Crisis Line: 1-877-209-1266
- The Trevor Line for Lesbian/Gay/Transgender/Questioning Youth: 1-866-488-7386
- New Mexico Suicide Prevention Coalition: 505-401-9382 (Non-Emergency)
- Office of School and Adolescent Health: 505-222-8683
NM 5-Actions Program: www.nm5actions.com
Shadow Mountain Recovery Centers: www.shadowmountainrecovery.com
Agora Chat Line: www.AgoraCares.org
The NM Youth Health Link: www.youthhealthlink.org
New Mexico Suicide Prevention Coalition: www.nmsuicideprevention.org
New Mexico Suicide Intervention Project: www.nmsip.org
To Write Love On Her Arms (Preventing Self Injury): www.twloha.com
S.A.F.E. Alternatives to self-injury: www.selfinjury.com
Facing Us (wellness information for youth): www.facingus.org
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: www.dbsalliance.org
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI): www.nami.org
Nancy Kirkpatrick :[email protected] 505-222-8683
Youth Suicide Prevention Program Coordinator NM DOH Office of School and Adolescent Health
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: www.afsp.org
Single Mothers Grants: http://singlemothersgrants.org/
Phone Applications
Know Bullying: Free app for parents and educators: http:///store.samhsa.gov/apps/knowbullying/index.html
Jason Foundation: Free apps for students: http://jasonfoundation.com/
Suicide Safe: Free app for providers: http://store.samnhsa.gov/apps/suicidesafe/
Other Resources
- Case discussion, consultation and free continuing education webinars (CEU’s available): http://psychiatry.unm.edu/centers/crcbh/schoolcommunity/schoolhlthportal.html
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration-All things mental and behavioral health: Resources for Prevention, Treatment, Recovery, fact sheets, programs, publications, brochures SAMHSA.gov
- Preventing Suicide: A Toolkit for High Schools: http://store.samhsa.gov/product/Preventing-Suicide-A-Toolkit-for-High-Schools/SMA12-4669
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) Best information regarding specific populations, state information, best practice registry, webinars, trainings: sprc.org To sign up for weekly newsletters go to http://www.sprc.org/news/events/the-weekly-spark/weekly-spark-friday-november-6-2015
- Link to I.H.S./UNM Webinars that have been archived. No CEU’s are available for the archived versions. http://www.ihs.gov/telebehavioral/seminararchive/nationalchildandadolescent
- UNM Webinar series: http://psychiatry.unm.edu/centers/crcbh/telebehavioral/continuingedbh/index.html
- Envision NM Webinar series: New Mexico Pediatric tele ECHO Clinics websites at http://envisionnm.org
- Safety Plan for Suicidal Patients (template) http://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org/files/SafteyPlanTemplate.pdf
- Prevention New Mexico –For natural helper’s program training, peer helper programs, and Talk about It initiative. JoAnn Sartorius preventionnewmexico.org