Life Skills is a network of affiliate centers around the world whose trained facilitators teach the “Learning to Live, Learning to Love” Curriculum.
This curriculum is covered in a gender specific group over a 26-28 week timeframe. It is a progressive learning experience, meaning we put together a group and that group goes through the material together. Therefore, classes are started as enough participants are gathered to start a class. The cost is done on a sliding scale fee and paid weekly making it affordable.
It is a psychological, educational program with over a 20+ year track record of helping transform lives. It is used in over 150 centers worldwide. We have discovered that past hurts shared in the group setting have common root issues. The common issues can be one or more of the following wounds: physical, verbal, psychological, and emotional. The root of these issues can be economic in nature, or rejection, or even silent abuse that takes the form of manipulation and control. The curriculum provides tools in helping clients learn to improve or rebuild their lives which brings positive effects in their family, friends, and workplace.
Life Skills provides tools in helping clients learn to rebuild their lives and improve their self-image, treating each person with respect and dignity. Our goal is to help each individual increase their function in all aspects of their life.
• Anger management
• Childhood wounds
• Defining and identifying abuse
• Communications
• Conflict resolution
• Forgiveness
• Developing trust
• Reactive lifestyles
• Self esteem
• Understanding the brain
• I feel incompetent
• I have trouble finishing projects
• I distrust those in authority over me
• I cannot express my own opinion
• I feel easily intimidated
• I struggle with feeling rejected
• I feel as if I’m always doing things wrong
• I have trouble communicating
• I feel angry, on edge, depressed, trapped, and/or suicidal
Dr. Paul Hegstrom, the founder of Life Skills International and author of the books, “Angry Men and the Women Who Love Them” (1999 and 2004) and “Broken Children/Grown Up Pain” (2001) was an abusive husband and father. His pattern of abusive and reactive behavior drove him to divorce his wife, abandon his children and nearly lose his life. He has since made a complete recovery, remarried his wife and restored his family. Life Skills International is a non-profit organization founded in 1985. Paul’s background experience, study, and research has been put into curriculum form and is being taught internationally in group settings. (see Paul’s story of abuse and recovery was aired in 1996 in an Emmy-nominated CBS Television movie entitled “Unforgivable” starring John Ritter. Paul has been featured on many radio and television programs including : “Focus on the Family” (Dr. James Dobson); “Marriage on the Rocks” (TBN); “Sally Jesse Raphael”; “USA Today”; “700 Club”; “Family Life Today”; Daystar Television, TBN “The New Jim Bakker Show” and many more. Dr. Hegstrom has earned a Ph.D. in Pastoral Marriage & Family Therapy; an M.S. in Marriage & Family Therapy and a B.S. in Pastoral Counseling, Evangelical Theological Seminary. He holds an Honorary Doctorate on Humane Letters, Evangelical Theological Seminary. He is a member AACC (American Assn. of Christian Counselors), Member CAPS (Christian Assn. of Psychological Studies, NAFC (National Assn. of Forensic Counselors) and an internationally recognized authority in attitude and behavioral changes.